Easy Ways To Stop Drinking Alcohol - Special Secrets To Stop Drinking Alcohol Easily
Read below for some great medical tips to quit drinking beer today
Call you doctor for help if you have an liquor addiction problem and have decided to quit using. With a doctor's help your withdrawal process from beer is safer. Acute liquor withdrawal can be a very complicated issue. Some withdrawal signs include intense headache and uncontrollable shaking. Most alcohol abusers who are having withdrawal symptoms have a shortage of several vitamins and minerals (quit drinking liquor easily). It is a good idea for your doctor to examine you carefully and do blood tests. It is important to maintain a healthy diet if you are used to drinking too much alcohol. You should report your drinking history honestly to your doctor so you can be treated carefully for symptoms of withdrawal. Other medicines could be prescribed later to assist you in your mission to stay sober. There is a large network of help with sobriety available that your doctor could locate for you.
Seek other alternative therapies for support in becoming free from alcohol. This is a therapy that comes from China and is recommended to help reduce beer cravings. When alcohol is abused it upsets flow of energy throughout your body and acupuncture seeks to fix this. By using tiny needles inserted in particular acupuncture points on body this therapy works to correct your imbalances. Acupuncture boasts success rates as high as 50 percent of patients treated. Auriculotherapy is a form of acupuncture that treats the entire body through points on the ears is particularly recommended for addiction treatment. Treatment usually consists of several months of acupuncture sessions along with counseling. Even in most troubled persons acupuncture has shown to help develop an inner meditative core (how to give up drinking alcohol). Acupuncturists and naturopathic and osteopathic physicians are trained to give acupuncture treatments. The only caution with acupuncture is that you may become lightheaded during treatment.
Learn how to keep a firm grip on your frame of mind and you can quit alcohol
In your plan to give up consuming identify when you will evaluate your progress. Try a plan for 30 days so that the new behavior becomes a habit. When in doubt re-read your list of motivations for why you stop drinking. Another important step in attaining your objective is to keep track of your drinking habits with a journal. You can use a diary to write down every time you have a drink for 1 week. You will be able to review what triggers you to drink and how much if you record everything in a journal. A journal is needed to really appreciate your progress because it will give you a way to summarize your development. Reflect on previous attempts to give up consuming and pinpoint what functioned for you. Many people find that just keeping a diary makes them more keenly aware of their drinking habits. Although self-monitoring may appear time consuming keeping records of certain activities is not unusual.
Here is a support group for exclusively for women who want to stop drinking
Women for Sobriety is a non-profit secular addiction recovery group for women with alcohol problems or liquor dependence. Jean Kirkpatrick developed WFS because women’s recovery in AA was found to be less successful than for men. WFS groups have grown in popularity and now there are more than 200 factions in world. WFS is not considered a radical feminist organization even though it only allows women to participate. WFS is similar to AA in that it encourages meditation and spirituality but sobriety is not viewed as dependent on a Higher Power. WFS considers the fundamental problem of females with alcohol dependence is low self-esteem. Members of WFS focus on responsibility instead of powerlessness and on thinking instead of surrender (easy ways to stop drinking alcohol). The WFS approach is similar to cognitive behavioral therapy in that they believe faulty thinking causes destructive behavior. Newcomers to WFS are encouraged to take pride in their accomplishments regardless of how small those may be. Kirkpatrick's program encourages complete abstinence from liquor instead of just harm reduction which is similar to AA.